Setting On-line Preferences If you haven't used the on-line feature before, follow these steps to set your on-line preferences: 1) From the Main Menu, select the On-line button. A dialog box will appear on the screen showing six empty slots. You can fill these slots with a link to any on-line service. 2) To fill an empty slot, single-click on it. A File Open box will come up on the screen, allowing you to browse your directories for the application file. When you've found the executable for your application, double-click on it. 3) Type in a name for this group and click OK. 4) Choose an icon to represent the application, then click OK. 5) Repeat steps 2-4 for any other on-line applications that you want to load. 6) Click on an on-line icon to launch the application or press OK to save your settings and return to "ESPN's Interactive Fly Fishing School." 7) When your on-line session is over, just click on one of the "Interactive Fly Fishing School" icons to get started in this product again.